Revisiting History in the Reconstruction of a Better Nigerian Social Environment

Timothy O. Erinosho(1), Olusesan A. Osunkoya(2), Mishark F. Alex(3),

(1) Department of History and Diplomatic Studies Tai Solarin University of Education Ijagun, Ogun State, Nigeria
(2) Department of History and Diplomatic Studies Tai Solarin University of Education Ijagun, Ogun State, Nigeria
(3) Department of History and Diplomatic Studies Tai Solarin University of Education Ijagun, Ogun State, Nigeria
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The current Nigerian social environment exhibits a high level of tension, disunity, animosity, suspicion and intrigues among individuals, groups and the various ethnic groupings comprising the federation. In such a situation, no meaningful development can take place as the groups and ethnic stocks will continue to fight and safeguard their individualistic, group, nationalistic interests separately instead of working together in harmony. This has been a major challenge stifling nation-building in Nigeria after the attainment of independence. Indeed, the seed of discord had been sown during the British colonial government which was not the case in the indigenous or pre-colonial Nigerian societies. The relegation of the Arts and Humanities, History inclusive, in our various levels of education has exerted debilitating effects on the Nigerian society as the citizens regard those from other cliques or groups, ethnic groupings aside theirs, as strangers. Hence, there is the need to acquaint the generality of Nigerians the essence of revisiting History in bringing into existence a well-reconstructed social milieu central to unity, fraternity and development. This discourse therefore examines the utilitarian value of history in human society, nature of Nigerian societies and intergroup relations among pre-colonial Nigerian peoples and how they helped to create mutual understanding. Thereafter, the centrifugal policies introduced by the British colonial rulers are examined before advancing advocacy to borrow from the past for a better understanding among the citizenry for a better and progressive nation.


Nigeria, Social environment, History, Reconstruction , Mutual understanding.

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