Violence against Women Participation in Nigerian Politics and Governance in the Fourth Republic: Issues, Challenges and Way Forward

Olufunmilola Adedayo Ogunbunmi(1),

(1) Department of History and International Studies Faculty of Humanities, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo
Corresponding Author


Women in politics have long faced problems of discrimination, aggression, coercion, and intimidation, yet the concept of violence against women in politics (VAWIP) is relatively nascent, especially in Africa. Suffice it to say that until very recently, a vigorous academic focus has not been given to the phenomenon; its widespread prevalence and obnoxious impacts notwithstanding. In Africa, and indeed in Nigeria, women remain significantly underrepresented at all levels of p o l i t i c a l d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g . T h e underrepresentation of women in politics and governance in Nigeria is caused and supported among others by discrimination, harmful stereotypes, and gender-based violence. A unique form of violence against women i.e. violence against women in politics is one of the major reasons women are discouraged from participating in politics and governance in Nigeria. It is against this background that this study is taken. The paper uses qualitative method and historical approach to analyse her data. The violence against women approach argues that by discriminating against and denying half its population from politics and governance, the Nigerian state has shot itself in the foot. This is because increased women's political participation can, in fundamental ways, result in tangible gains for the democratization process in the country, including greater responsiveness to citizens' needs, increased cooperation across party, religious and ethnic lines, and more sustainable peace. The paper posits that although women's participation in and representation in politics and governance of Nigeria has increased since the return of democratic governance in 1999, there are still many hurdles to cross before women and girls can enjoy unlimited access to politics and governance in Nigeria which are their civic rights. The paper, therefore, concludes by recommending measures/strategies to combat discrimination and violence against women in politics and governance in Nigeria.


Discrimination, Gender-based Violence, Violence against Women in Politics ( VAW I P ) , G e n d e r ( I n ) e q u a l i t y, Democratisation Process.

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